Nearly 96 percent of Chinese mobile Internet users have been exposed to information security risks, and over 40 percent of them have suffered losses, according to a new report.根据一份近期报告表明,有将近96%的中国移动互联网用户早已面对信息安全风险,多达40%的用户早已“遭到了损失”。Of those suffering losses, some have had their private information or money stolen from their mobile accounts, while many have had to spend extra time dealing with security risks, according to the report released last Monday by China Internet Network Information Center.根据中国互联网络信息中心上周一公布的报告认为,在遭到的损失中,一些人的私人信息或资金被人从移动帐户中盗取,很多人被迫花费额外的时间来处置安全性风险。Mobile Internet users in the country numbered 620 million as of the end of 2015, accounting for more than 90 percent of all Chinese Internet users.截至2015年底,全国移动互联网用户人数超过了6.2亿,占到中国互联网用户总数的90%以上。
However, 38 percent of mobile Internet users still believe it is very safe to surf the web via smartphone.然而,38%的移动互联网用户依然指出通过智能手机网际网路“十分安全性”。Nearly 45 percent of users are in the habit of connecting to WiFi networks without first confirming their safety, making them vulnerable to theft of private information, it said.报告认为,有将近45%的用户没再行证实网络安全,就习惯性地相连WiFi网络,这就使得他们的私人信息很更容易被盗取。
About 19.6 percent of users said they make purchases or mobile payments while connected to public WiFi networks.约19.6%的用户回应他们在相连公共WiFi网络时会展开出售或移动支付。But Chinese mobile Internet users are more vigilant when scanning QR codes, with 67.5 percent of respondents saying the codes include unknown security risks.不过中国的移动互联网用户在扫瞄二维码时会更为警觉,67.5%的受访者回应,二维码有可能包括不得而知的安全性风险。
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