
澳门新莆京游戏大厅(官方)官网登录入口:新款黑莓手机造型曝光 正方形的智能手机

作者:澳门新莆京游戏app大厅官方版下载    发布时间:2025-02-07 04:49:01    浏览量:
本文摘要:BlackBerry may be on the ropes, but the company hasn’t lost the will to fight.黑莓(BlackBerry)也许早已到了摇摇欲坠的地步,但还没失去斗志。

BlackBerry may be on the ropes, but the company hasn’t lost the will to fight.黑莓(BlackBerry)也许早已到了摇摇欲坠的地步,但还没失去斗志。Next month, the company is expected to release the Passport, a new model of smartphone that fuses the company’s signature QWERTY keyboard, slimmed to three rows and strictly alphabetical, with an unusual 4.5-inch square display. The device has been called a “phablet,” the term for a tablet-like smartphone, though it is comparatively squat. It’s best suited for the inside pocket of a jacket.下个月,黑莓公司将发售一款叫作Passport的新机型,它仍然配备了黑莓标志性的QWERTY全键盘,但是键盘只有三排按键,也就是只有字母部分。另外它还配备了一块少见的4.5英寸正方型显示屏。

有人也把Passport称为一款“平板手机”——尽管它的体型相比之下更加像个“矮小胖子”。它最合适放到人们的夹克内侧口袋里。Its the point. The Waterloo, Canada-based companyhopes that its device will be used by the enterprise customers it lost in recent years as it failed to keep pace with rivals like Apple and Google. BlackBerry hopes that government, finance, and health care workers find the device’s unorthodox dimensions ideal for their work.这正是黑莓想要超过的效果。


“It’s great to see BlackBerry step outside of its comfort zone and forge its own path in terms of design,” says Ramon Llamas, an analyst for the market research firm IDC. “Passport won’t get confused with previous BlackBerry models like the Bold and Q10, and the large screen keeps BlackBerry in pace with the competition.”市场调研机构IDC公司的分析师拉门o拉马斯回应:“很高兴看见黑莓没之后抱残守缺,而是在设计上走进了自己的路。你意味著会把Passport与黑莓之前的Bold、Q10等机型误解了,而且它的大屏也有助黑莓与其他竞争对手保持一致。”Keeping pace may not be enough. For the second quarter of 2014, BlackBerry’s global market share, as measured by shipments, was a paltry 0.5%, according to IDC estimates, down from its all-time high of 20% five years ago. Still, strong single digits may be enough to convince shareholders that the company is making the right decisions.意味着是追赶竞争对手还过于。据IDC估计,2014年第二季度,黑莓的全球市场份额(根据出货量来计算出来)仅有0.5%。

而短短五年前,黑莓的全球份额最低时曾超过20%。不过如果黑莓的份额能维持务实的个位数,也不足以让股东坚信,公司正在朝着准确的方向发展。“By going back to their enterprise client base, CEO John Chen is being realistic with what he can accomplish,” says Wayne Lam, a telecom electronics analyst at IHS. “But unless he can stop enterprise customers from jumping ship and having the BB10 operating system decline into irrelevance, no measure of design innovation can really help him remain viable.”IHS公司的电信行业分析师韦恩o兰姆认为:“从黑莓重回企业客户阵营可以显现出,CEO程守宗的目标是很现实的。不过除非他能制止企业顾客之后‘弃船’,并且制止黑莓的BB10平台之后被边缘化,否则不管设计上如何创意,都急于黑莓的苟延残喘。

”Ken Dulaney, an analyst at Gartner, concurs: “The issue will be the Blackberry 10 software. While well designed, it suffers from a lack of applications and doesn’t have the funding that Microsoft, Apple, and Google have.”低德纳公司(Gartner)的分析师尼克o杜拉尼也指出:“问题的关键是黑莓的BB10软件。虽然它的设计不俗,但它仍然不存在缺少应用于的问题,另外它也没微软公司(Microsoft)、苹果和谷歌那么多的资金。”Or the partnerships. In July, Apple and IBM announced a partnership in which IBM would sell Apple’s iPhone and iPad, loaded with IBM applications for data analysis, to business customers. It’s a move that gives Apple serious support in a market where it traditionally has been weak and, it’s no coincidence, where BlackBerry has traditionally been strong.另外黑莓也缺少给力的合作伙伴。今年七月,苹果和IBM达成协议合作,表示同意IBM将加装了自家数据分析软件的iPhone和iPad销售给IBM的企业客户。

企业客户原本是苹果的软肋,但与IBM的合作却使苹果在这一领域取得了强势反对——而企业客户阵地正是黑莓的传统“自留地”。“This move is a huge danger for BlackBerry,” Lam says. “If IBM can help legitimize the use of iPhones and iPads in enterprise, BlackBerry will be left with nowhere else to go.”兰姆回应:“此举对于黑莓来说十分危险性。

如果在IBM的协助下,iPhone和iPad在企业里出了主流,那么黑莓就再行没地方揣了。”BlackBerry’s CEO Chen, who was officially named to the post in November, has never predicated his turnaround strategy on a massive revival of smartphone sales. Instead he worked to turn BlackBerry Messenger, an application that continues to be a point of differentiation for the company thanks to industry-leading security and encryption for wireless text and e-mail communications, into a significant source of revenue by signing licensing deals with Android and Apple.黑莓现任CEO程守宗去年11月才月走马上任,不过他从未公开发表回应过黑莓的扭亏为盈要倚赖智能手机销量的兴起。忽略,他花上了相当大精力之后提高Blackberry Messenger应用于。得益于行业领先的安全性和文字与邮件的无线通讯加密技术,BlackBerry Messenger仍然是黑莓引以为傲的一个差异点。

程守宗期望与安卓和苹果通过签定许可交易的方式取得收益来源。Further, BlackBerry’s QNX software division—named for the operating system it acquired in 2010—is developing new technologies for the automotive and cloud-services industries. “Chen is opening BlackBerry to more ecosystem partners, which in turn adds value to the BlackBerry solution,” Llamas says.另外,黑莓的QNX软件部门(QNX是黑莓于2010年并购的一个操作系统)也在为汽车行业和云服务行业研发新技术。拉马斯回应:“程守宗正在把黑莓对外开放给更好的生态系统合作伙伴,此举反过来也不会给黑莓的解决方案带给更加多价值。

”But that doesn’t mean Chen wouldn’t like to see BlackBerry smartphones take a new lease on life—especially now that profit margins have been greatly improved by his decision to outsource manufacturing to Taiwan’s Foxconn Technology Group.但是这并不意味著程守宗不愿看见黑莓智能手机顺利“续命”——特别是在是公司要求将生产外包给台湾的富士康科技集团(Foxconn Technology Group)之后,做到手机的利润早已有了相当大的提升。“What BlackBerry needs to do is focus the value proposition they offer to enterprise as well as their renowned security capabilities,” Lam says. “They need to win in offering the better solution to Fortune 500 companies. The hardware innovations are just the icing on the cake.” Still, how sweet it would be.兰姆回应:“黑莓必须做到的是专心于他们对企业的价值定位,同时之后专心发展他们知名的安全性性能。





