

作者:澳门新莆京游戏app大厅官方版下载    发布时间:2024-09-21 23:05:18    浏览量:
本文摘要:Didi Chuxing, the Chinese ride hailing app, said it had received a $600m investment from China Life, the country’s largest insurer, further buttressing its war chest for its battle with US rival Uber. 中国叫车应用于滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing)宣告取得国内仅次于保险公司中国人寿(China Life) 6亿美元投资。

Didi Chuxing, the Chinese ride hailing app, said it had received a $600m investment from China Life, the country’s largest insurer, further buttressing its war chest for its battle with US rival Uber. 中国叫车应用于滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing)宣告取得国内仅次于保险公司中国人寿(China Life) 6亿美元投资。这笔投资为滴滴获取了更好弹药,可供其与美国输掉优步(Uber)进行竞争。Didi said the investment included equity of $300m and long-term debt of Rmb2bn ($305m). Didi’s latest funding round valued it at $25bn, the group said.滴滴回应,这笔投资还包括3亿美元股权投资以及20亿元人民币(合3.05亿美元)长年债券投资。该公司回应,在近期一轮融资中,滴滴的估值超过250亿美元左右。

The funding follows a recent $1bn investment from US tech group Apple in May and adds another name to Didi’s list of high-profile backers. China Life is China’s largest state-owned commercial insurance conglomerate.5月份,美国科技集团苹果(Apple)曾向滴滴投资10亿美元。中国人寿的这笔投资令其滴滴又加添了一个著名股东。中国人寿是中国仅次于的国有商业保险集团。Wang Junhui, China Life’s president, in a statement on Monday called the investment a “vital link in the innovation-driven growth strategy of China Life”.中国人寿旗下的国寿投资公司总裁王军辉周一在声明中称之为,这笔投资“是中国人寿创意推展发展战略的重要一环”。

“We believe our two companies will achieve strong network synergies and complementarities towards creating more vibrant growth of the emerging ‘Internet Plus’ financial sector,” he said, referring to the Chinese government’s policy of combining ecommerce with the bricks-and-mortar economy in an effort to spur growth in traditional sectors.他回应:“双方合作将有助优势互补,唤起双方网络的协同效应,为‘互联网+金融’修筑新的产业发展空间。”他这里所指的是中国政府将电商与实体经济结合的政策,这项政策目的性刺激传统行业快速增长。“We believe this strategic partnership will bring long-term value to both parties,” said Jean Liu, Didi Chuxing president.滴滴上下班总裁柳青(Jean Liu)回应:“滴滴与中国人寿的战略合作将为双方带给将来的价值。

”Didi claims to hold 87 per cent of the private car service market and a 99 per cent share of the taxi-hailing service market in China, while Uber puts its market share at 30-35 per cent, according to the companies.滴滴自称为占有中国专车市场87%的份额,占有叫出租车服务市场99%的份额。优步回应自己的市场份额在30%到35%之间。

The battle for dominance between the two apps has cost billions of dollars in subsidies for drivers and rider discounts — a price war that has placed an emphasis on fundraising.这两个叫车应用于为争夺战市场主导权已投放数十亿美元,用作补贴司机和向乘客获取优惠。这场价格战令其融资沦为一项最重要任务。



